Per NSCC Training Guidance a Cadet’s paperwork is simply to print their TRAINING AUTHORITY FORM NSCTNG 005 (ORDERS).
Units no longer need to prepare training jackets to send with cadets to a training – this is now the parent/cadet’s responsibility. With the online training registration and Parent Portal enhancement, cadets only need to bring a few documents to the training.
● Print orders via the Quarterdeck Parent Portal and sign them.
● Print and sign additional Training-specific documents (if applicable for a specific event). These may be found by going into the “Find Trainings” section of the Quarterdeck Parent Portal, clicking on the specific training, then clicking Event Details. Review the Event Website and/or Training Attachments, as well as any specific communication received from that training.
● Place printed documents in a 9×12 clasp envelope (see image on right). Envelopes are available at Walmart, Office Depot, Staples, etc. The training staff needs to add documents, any applicable awards, etc. to this folder to send home with the cadet after the training, so please do not seal the envelope. (If a cadet loses their actual award after their training, the cost to replace it will be on the cadet.)
● In the top left corner of the envelope, write the cadet’s last name, first name, and underneath that, the cadet’s unit name — all in black marker.
If you need assistance, please see your Unit leadership for help