UPDATE January 2025:
The following courses for Spring and Summer are available In Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island in June, July, and August.
Sea Cadet Events:
SEAMANSHIP (OX-RI-xxxx and OX-MA-xxxx)
League Cadet Events:
ATC New England is home to several New England-based trainings that could be offered throughout the year:
If a course is open for registration, then a TAB on this website is available at the top of the page for specific instructions, expectations, prerequisites, and how to enroll for the course. If a tab is not available, then it is not being offered at this particular time.
Here is a brief description of courses that may be offered each year:
- Petty Officer Leadership Academy (POLA): For Sea Cadet SA/SN through PO3 rising leaders. Graduates meet the eligibility prerequisite to promote to PO2. This training is academically intense, requires regular participation in lectures and small group discussions, requires nightly homework, and is reflective and theory-based. Staff are PO2 and above who mentor and evaluate students through the course and will greatly develop their own skills in leadership, counseling, organization, problem-solving, and communications.
- Emergency Medical Seminar (EMS): For Sea Cadet SA and above and League Cadets APC or LC2 and above we have separate courses on emergency medicine, including CPR, AED, splinting, shock, controlling bleeding, immobilizing patients, and lifting & moving patients. Every EMS student will be certified in CPR and the use of Automated External Defibrillators.
- Seamanship (OX): For Cadets thinking about a career in surface warfare, maritime trade, or shipbuilding, this training is for you! Instructors are experienced professionals or and students will utilize ship simulators and resources to learn to navigate and drive ships. Course of instruction may include tours of ships, academies, and trade schools (operational schedule depending). Additional classroom instruction in surface contact management, ocean navigation, shiphandling, and Q&A sessions with active duty active duty members.
- Submarine Seminar (OS): This is the basic course for submarine introduction. Students will be taught an unclassified basic submarine school curriculum with access to many of the submarine trainers, tour of active submarines, The Submarine Force Library and Museum as well as other activities.
- Digital Media (Photojournalism): Get hands-on and in the middle of the action at Sea Cadets Digital Media! Cadets will learn key skills in photography, videography, social media, digital marketing, print publication, graphic design, article writing, and the fine art of storytelling. Cadets will be in the field, practicing a “learn-do-learn” model to hone their new craft. Materials generated will be posted to our NHQ social media pages and our Seafarer Magazine and used by units nationwide!
- Chief Petty Officer Academy (CPOA) Phase I: PO1s and new CPOs will attend three virtual training days spread out over several weeks combining formal instruction with student-led discussions. Over the course of the virtual portion, students will develop an essay and work together on assignments. (This is required for CPOA Phase II.)
- Chief Petty Officer Academy (CPOA) Phase II: In-Person heritage and teambuilding experience where students will develop advanced leadership and communication skills. The in-person training site will be at various locations around the country, depending on the course selected.
- Sea Cadet Recruit Training (RT): To provide an introduction and basic training for every Sea Cadet Recruit in the fundamentals of barracks life, military standards, Navy traditions, and responsibilities to enable them to enhance their careers and fulfillment as a cadet and to perform and excel during their tenure in US Naval Sea Cadet Corps. To provide professional training to NSCC Officers and NSCC Staff Cadets to allow them the opportunity to utilize their abilities in a supervised military environment. To promote the highest level of training that is consistent with NSCC National Goals with an atmosphere of respect, support, and esprit de corps.
- Master At Arms (MAA): This training program will provide cadets with an introduction to military and civilian law enforcement, giving cadets a look into the weapons, tactics, and procedures needed to uphold the law.
- Culinary Arts (Food Services): Learn the basics of culinary arts from our certified professional Chef and enjoy eating your creations! Cadets will gain skills in food preparation, seasoning and sauces, flavors and textures, presentation and serving, as well as nutrition, dietary needs, and food safety. Cadets will learn about the culinary profession in the commercial kitchen, in the military, and in the home. Go home knowing how to cook and bake for your own family. Cadets will take part in a dessert competition and will complete the training by earning their Food Handler Certification. Cadets will also be cooking for or serving the entire training command.
- Vehicle Maintenance: This course is intended to give cadets who may be interested in vehicle maintenance important training to steer their career choice. Course topics would include inspection and maintenance, diagnosing, and repairing mechanical faults, recovery operations, technical documentation, and shop maintenance. Vehicle types will range small HMMVs to large wreckers, troop carriers or tankers.
- STEM: Course include Cyber Security, Computer Science, SEAPERCH, and Shipbuilding. For those interested in the maritime trades or sciences these trainings are conducted at state of the art facilities by industry professionals.
Register for courses on Quarterdeck. Your quota request depends on availability but will NOT be set to “APPROVED” until the required forms and payment (if applicable) are received per the course instructions.
If you are interested in staffing an ATC New England course, see the “Staffing/Officers” page.
If the course tabs don’t answer your questions, see the “Contact Us” page and submit your questions.
The ATC New England Staff looks forward to seeing you at our trainings!