Digital Media (Photojournalism)

Location: Camp Nett, Niantic, CT

For available courses, costs, and sign up, go to Quarterdeck Sign Up

Sea Cadets RJ-CT-xxxx

We are going to set the standards for this training.  We have a excellent curriculum put together by a true professional.  What you will learn will include but is not limited to:
Elements of Exposure – shutter speed, aperture, and ISO.
-Light – The effects of light on photos. Compare color with black and white.-Subject – How to identify the subject of an image.-Composition – how to best position the subject in the photo with the other elements in the image.-Intro/Explore different types of photography – Mainly action/sports, indoor portrait, landscape/scenic.-People indoors and outdoors, capturing motion, landscape/scenery, night photography, black and white, and more.  
After each topic presented in class, students will go out and practice adjusting each element to learn and appreciate the effects of each. Practical Experience with different photography scenes.  
Students will then take on the role as journalists writing articles based on the subject assigned, photos taken, and meeting deadlines set by the Instructor.  The Students will produce a daily paper posted on Facebook for all the trainings at Camp Nett called “the Camp Nett Chronicle”.  

Go to this website for sign up and application instructions: