What can you expect from your training experience in Newport, RI?
- One of the most challenging and rewarding training experiences you will experience in the Sea Cadets. Each course offered consists of 40hrs of classroom work, including; learning advanced concepts, practical applications, quizzes, and a final exam. Nightly reading, study groups, and daily PT.
- Berthing for students is 2 per room. Showers are private stalls within a large open Head. Participants will be berthed based on their sex as it appears in Magellan which is typically their sex assigned at birth. Use of large/group Head/Showers also applies to sex assigned at birth. Separate accommodations for those that don’t support this may be available if space allows and you should contact us for further information about this.
- Food is provided by the Navy galley on base.
- Make new friends, learn A LOT about yourself, stretch your limits, and gain confidence.
- It will be very cold in Newport. We’ve seen 14 degrees cold and wind, and we’ve seen up to 50. This is a COLD weather training – DO NOT arrive without an authorized NWU Gore-Tex Parka and/or the black fleece liner – you will be cold! Bring essentials to help you withstand extreme cold and wind (refer to the seabag list).
- Arrive with a NSCC regulation haircut. Or you will receive a cut by one of our staff.
All participants must follow the COTC’s TOP 6!
- NO HAZING: any action taken or situation created to intentionally cause embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule or to intentionally risk emotional and/or physical harm. It’s still hazing even if the victim is a “willing” participant. At its core, hazing is the act of embarrassing someone primarily for the purpose of embarrassing them.
- NO BULLYING: unwanted, aggressive behavior among peers that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying generally involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time. Bullying includes, but is not limited to, such actions as: making threats, spreading rumors, assaulting someone physically or verbally, or intentionally excluding someone from a group.
- NO DISCRIMINATION: unjustly making distinctions in the treatment of different categories of people. Prejudice is pre-judgement, bias, or partiality; it is a preconceived opinion not based on actual experience. The USNSCC is a meritocracy – here, you will be judged solely on your performance. There is a no place in the USNSCC for ignorant biases, bigotry, or pre-judgement based upon race, color, sex, gender, age, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.
- NO SEXUAL HARRASMENT: a form of discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that interferes with an individual’s performance or creates an intimidating or hostile training environment. This policy is gender neutral and applies the same way to male or females at the training. There is no place in the USNSCC for off color jokes, teasing about sex or sexuality, inappropriate behavior in the showers, flirting, requests for dates, or any form of physical or sexual contact.
- NO FRATERNIZATION: an unduly familiar relationship between superiors and subordinates that is prejudicial to good order and discipline. Fraternization weakens the integrity of the chain of command by creating the appearance of favoritism in our training environment.
- NO CADET TO CADET CONTACT: keep your hands to yourself. And no one at this training may touch you without your permission.
All participants are required to familiarize themselves with and abide by the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for ATC New England
(attached PDF below)