Private vehicle, shuttle, airplane, and train travel instructions below.
All personnel arrive on December 26 (except League Cadet EMS which arrives Dec 28)
- Staff cadets and Escort Officers: Report in Navy Working Uniform (NWU) between 0800 and 1000
- Students arriving via commercial air or train: Report in civilian clothes between 1000 and 1500
- Students arriving via personal vehicle: Report in Navy Working Uniform (NWU) between 1200 and 1500
Naval Station Newport is a military installation with very strict access controls. If NOT authorized to access a military installation, then Cadets may be dropped off by Gate 1. A shuttle will be waiting or you can contact our Duty Officer at 781-898-4685 to be picked up.
DRIVING (drop-off)
- Address: Naval Station Newport – 299 Cloyne Court, Newport, Rhode Island (Gate 1)
DRIVING (Pick-Up) & GRADUATION on Jan 1st
- If a Cadet must be picked up for any reason BEFORE graduation, then you may contact our OIC at 781-898-4685 to arrange a pick up time outside of Gate 1
- Pick-Up on Graduation Day (Jan 1) you may gain access to drive on the Base to attend Graduation in person IF you complete the Graduation Guest List form BY DECEMBER 22nd: (Refer to Graduation Page for information and to complete the Form.)
- All vehicle occupant names MUST be on our guestlist… NO surprise guests
- Military or retirees with base privileges (with vehicle occupants) are exempt from filling out the base access form
- Getting thru Gate 1 can take between 15 to 45 minutes, so plan accordingly
- State driver’s licenses/ID cards that state “NOT FOR FEDERAL USE” are not considered federal identification required for base access. Real ID or a Passport or other federal gov’t identification recommended.
- If your name is not on the graduation list, turnaround and contact our Duty Officer at 781-898-4685 to arrange a pick up time at Gate 1. Our shuttle will bring Cadets to Gate 1 after graduation.
- If granted access, you may proceed to the graduation site (follow the signs to Kay Hall)
- All students must depart after collecting their gear at 12:15pm on January 1
- DO NOT travel in uniform on airplanes, trains, or buses. This is a USNSCC rule.
- TF Green Providence, RI Airport (PVD) or KINGSTON, RI Amtrack station: We will have shuttles to to Naval Station Newport. Please complete the online form here to get on our Shuttle list:
- Rideshare/Personal taxi: If you arrange your own transportation to the base, instruct the driver to drop you off at Naval Station Newport – 299 Cloyne Court, Newport, Rhode Island (Gate 1).
- When you arrive, call our Duty Officer at 781-898-4685 and request a pickup at Gate 1