
A combined graduation for all trainings will be held on January 1 from 11:00am to 12:00pm at KAY HALL aboard Naval Station Newport, Rhode Island (follow the signs when you get on base). Don’t be late!

Graduation will be live-streamed on Facebook for those who will not attend in person.

  • If a Cadet must be picked up for any reason BEFORE graduation, then you may contact our OIC at 781-898-4685 to arrange a pick up time outside of Gate 1
  • Pick-Up on Graduation Day (Jan 1) you may gain access to drive on the Base to attend Graduation in person IF you complete the Graduation Guest List link here BY DECEMBER 26th 1200EST
  • All vehicle occupant names MUST be on our guestlist… NO surprise guests
  • Military or retirees with base privileges (with vehicle occupants) are exempt from filling out the base access form
  • Getting thru Gate 1 can take between 15 to 45 minutes, so plan accordingly
  • State driver’s licenses/ID cards that state “NOT FOR FEDERAL USE” are not considered federal identification required for base access. Real ID or a Passport or other federal gov’t identification recommended.
  • If your name is not on the graduation list, turnaround and contact our Duty Officer at 781-898-4685 to arrange a pick up time at Gate 1. Our shuttle will bring Cadets to Gate 1 after graduation.
  • If granted access, you may proceed to the graduation site (follow the signs to Kay Hall)
  • All students must depart after collecting their gear at 12:15pm on January 1